Source code for draw

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module is used to compute a grid containing drawing of disks of stars with
limb darkening.

import numpy as np
import warnings
from flatstar import limb_darkening, utils

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

__all__ = ["star", "planet_transit"]

IMPLEMENTED_LD_LAW = {"linear": limb_darkening.linear,
                      "quadratic": limb_darkening.quadratic,
                      "square-root": limb_darkening.square_root,
                      "log": limb_darkening.logarithmic,
                      "logarithmic": limb_darkening.logarithmic,
                      "exp": limb_darkening.exponential,
                      "exponential": limb_darkening.exponential,
                      "sing": limb_darkening.sing_three,
                      "sing-three": limb_darkening.sing_three,
                      "s3": limb_darkening.sing_three,
                      "claret": limb_darkening.claret_four,
                      "claret-four": limb_darkening.claret_four,
                      "c4": limb_darkening.claret_four}

RESAMPLING_ALIAS = {"nearest": Image.NEAREST, "box": Image.BOX,
                    "bilinear": Image.BILINEAR, "hamming": Image.HAMMING,
                    "bicubic": Image.BICUBIC, "lanczos": Image.LANCZOS}

# Draw a star
[docs]def star(grid_size, radius=0.5, limb_darkening_law=None, ld_coefficient=None, custom_limb_darkening=None, supersampling=None, upscaling=None, resample_method=None): """ Make a normalized drawing of a star with a corresponding limb-darkening law in a square grid. The normalization is made in such a way that the flattened sum of the values inside the two-dimensional array is equal to 1.0. The normalization factor is calculated before the resampling, so more complex resampling algorithms may produce more inaccurate normalizations (by a factor of a few to hundreds of ppm) depending on the requested grid size and supersampling factor. If very precise normalized maps are required, then it is better to not use supersampling or use a ``"box"`` resampling algorithm. Parameters ---------- grid_size (``int``): Size of the square grid in number pixels. radius (``int`` or ``float``, optional): Stellar radius in units of ``grid_size``. Default is 0.5. limb_darkening_law (``None`` or ``str``, optional): String with the name of the limb-darkening law. The options currently implemented are: ``'linear'``, ``'quadratic'``, ``'square-root'``, ``'logarithmic'`` (or ``'log'``), ``'exponential'`` (or ``'exp'``), ``'sing-three'`` (or ``'sing'``, or ``'s3'``), ``'claret-four'`` (or ``'claret'``, or ``'c4'``), ``None`` (no limb-darkening), or ``'custom'``. In case you choose the latter, you need to provide a callable function that defines your custom law using the parameter ``custom_limb_darkening``. Default is ``None``. ld_coefficient (``float`` or ``array-like``): In case of a linear limb-darkening law, the value of the coefficient should be a float. In all other options it should be array-like. Default is ``None``. custom_limb_darkening (``callable`` or ``None``, optional) In case you want to use a custom limb-darkening law, you need provide a function that defines it. The first parameter of this function must be ``mu`` (cosine of the angle between a line normal to the stellar surface and the line of sight), and the second must be the coefficient (in case it uses multiple coefficients, it must accept them as an array-like object). Default is ``None``. supersampling (``int``, ``float``, or ``None``, optional): For low-resolution grid sizes, in order to avoid intensity maps with hard edges, you can supersample the array by a certain factor defined by this parameter, and then the map is downscaled to your requested grid size using the algorithm defined in ``resample_method``. Default is ``None`` (no supersampling). upscaling (``int``, ``float``, or ``None``, optional): For fast output of high-resolution grids, you may want to upscale them from a low-resolution setup to save about one order of magnitude in computation time. This parameter is the factor by which to upscale the grids to match the requested grid size. The resizing algorithm is defined in ``resample_method``. Default is ``None`` (no upscaling). resample_method (``str`` or ``None``, optional): Resampling algorithm. The options currently available are: ``"nearest"``, ``"box"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"hamming"``, ``"bicubic"``, and ``"lanczos"``. If ``None``, then fallback to ``"box"``. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- grid (``flatstar.utils.StarGrid`` object): Intensity map of the star. """ # Emit a warning if the radius is larger than 0.5 if radius > 0.5: warnings.warn('Using a radius larger than 0.5 will yield inaccurate ' 'intensities.', RuntimeWarning) # Define the effective grid size on which to start if supersampling is not None: effective_grid_size = int(round(supersampling * grid_size)) elif upscaling is not None: effective_grid_size = int(grid_size // upscaling) else: effective_grid_size = grid_size shape = (effective_grid_size, effective_grid_size) # Draw the host star star_radius = radius * effective_grid_size center = effective_grid_size // 2 star_array = _disk(center=(center, center), radius=star_radius, shape=shape) # We need to know what is the distance of each pixel from the stellar center # There is a useful function in ``utils`` for that, and it does not use # for-loops r_array = utils.cylindrical_r(star_array) # Now we calculate the mu for the limb-darkening law # We ignore a RuntimeWarning here because any NaN will be multiplied by zero # anyway. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") mu = (1 - (r_array / star_radius) ** 2) ** 0.5 mu[np.isnan(mu)] = 0.0 # Apply the limb-darkening law # No limb-darkening if limb_darkening_law is None: pass # Custom limb-darkening law elif limb_darkening_law == 'custom': star_array *= custom_limb_darkening(mu, ld_coefficient) # Laws implemented in this code else: try: star_array *= IMPLEMENTED_LD_LAW[limb_darkening_law](mu, ld_coefficient) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError("This limb-darkening law is not " "implemented.") # We use PIL.Image to perform the resizing im = Image.fromarray(star_array) final_shape = (grid_size, grid_size) # Resize the array to the desired grid size if necessary if supersampling is not None or upscaling is not None: pass else: # No resizing needed norm = np.sum(star_array) intensity_array = star_array / norm grid = utils.StarGrid(intensity_array, star_radius, limb_darkening_law, ld_coefficient, supersampling, upscaling, resample_method) return grid # If the resample_method is defined by the user with one of the # available options, then use it if resample_method is not None: try: final_star_array = im.resize( final_shape, resample=RESAMPLING_ALIAS[resample_method]) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError("This resampling method is not " "implemented.") # If the resample_method is not defined, then simply use a box interpolation else: resample_method = 'box' final_star_array = im.resize(final_shape, resample=Image.BOX) # Finally make `star_array` as a copy of the downsampled array star_array = np.copy(final_star_array) # Adding the star to the grid norm = np.sum(star_array) intensity_array = star_array / norm grid = utils.StarGrid(intensity_array, star_radius, limb_darkening_law, ld_coefficient, supersampling, upscaling, resample_method) return grid
# Draw a transit on a star
[docs]def planet_transit(star_grid, planet_to_star_ratio, impact_parameter=0.0, phase=0.0, rescaling_factor=None, resample_method=None): """ Draw a transit in the ``StarGrid`` object. Parameters ---------- star_grid (``flatstar.utils.StarGrid`` object): planet_to_star_ratio (``float``): Ratio between the radii of the planet and the star. impact_parameter (``float``, optional): Impact parameter of the transit in units of stellar radii. Default is 0. phase (``float``, optional): Phase of the transit. -0.5, 0.0, and +0.5 correspond respectively to the time of first contact, transit mid-center, and time of fourth contact. Default is 0. rescaling_factor (``float`` or ``None``, optional) Resize the grid by a factor defined by this parameter. If ``None``, no resizing is performed. Default is ``None``. resample_method (``str`` or ``None``, optional): Resampling algorithm. The options currently available are: ``"nearest"``, ``"box"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"hamming"``, ``"bicubic"``, and ``"lanczos"``. If ``None``, then fallback to ``"box"``. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- star_grid (``flatstar.utils.StarGrid`` object): Updated ``StarGrid`` object containing the transit. """ b = impact_parameter rp_rs = planet_to_star_ratio intensity_0 = np.sum(star_grid.intensity) # Radii of the star and the planet in units of grid size grid_length_x, grid_length_y = np.shape(star_grid.intensity) star_radius = star_grid.radius_px planet_radius = star_radius * rp_rs # Before drawing the planet, we need to figure out the exact coordinate # of the center of the planet. We have an embedded function to do that # because we may need to do it more than once def _calculate_planet_center(len_x, len_y, r_s, r_p): # The y location is easy y = (impact_parameter * r_s) + len_y / 2 # The x coordinate of the planet is a bit trickier to figure out. Since # we want the -0.5 and 0.5 phases to always match the times of first and # fourth contact, respectively, x_p will depend on the impact parameter # in a very non-trivial manner. Sorry for the ugliness, but it is the # price of convenience! beta = (1 - (b * r_s / (r_p + r_s)) ** 2) ** 0.5 alpha = len_x / 2 - (r_p + r_s) * beta x = alpha + (phase + 0.5) * 2 * (r_p + r_s) * beta return x, y # And now we draw it x_p, y_p = _calculate_planet_center(grid_length_x, grid_length_y, star_radius, planet_radius) planet = _disk(center=(x_p, y_p), radius=planet_radius, shape=np.shape(star_grid.intensity), value=1.0) updated_intensity = star_grid.intensity - planet # Remove negatives in the planet disk and set the intensity to zero updated_intensity[updated_intensity < 0] = 0.0 # Calculate intensity with the planet transit included intensity_1 = np.sum(updated_intensity) # Alright, if rescaling was requested, many things have to change, so brace # yourself for some hacking if rescaling_factor is not None: new_shape = (int(round(grid_length_x * rescaling_factor)), int(round(grid_length_y * rescaling_factor))) norm = rescaling_factor ** 2 im = Image.fromarray(updated_intensity) if resample_method is None: updated_intensity = np.array( im.resize(new_shape, resample=Image.BOX) ) elif resample_method is not None: try: updated_intensity = np.array( im.resize(new_shape, resample=RESAMPLING_ALIAS[resample_method]) ) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('This resampling method is not ' 'implemented.') # We need to update the normalization and grid lengths updated_intensity /= norm grid_length_x, grid_length_y = np.shape(updated_intensity) # And the stellar radius and planet radius to the correct pixel size, # as well as the location of the center of the planet star_grid.radius_px *= rescaling_factor star_radius = star_grid.radius_px planet_radius = star_radius * rp_rs x_p, y_p = _calculate_planet_center(grid_length_x, grid_length_y, star_radius, planet_radius) else: # No rescaling requested pass # Update the ``StarGrid`` object star_grid.intensity = updated_intensity star_grid.planet_px_coordinates = (x_p - grid_length_x / 2, y_p - grid_length_y / 2) star_grid.planet_radius_px = planet_radius star_grid.planet_impact_parameter = b star_grid.phase = phase star_grid.transit_depth = intensity_0 - intensity_1 return star_grid
# General function to draw a disk def _disk(center, radius, shape, value=1.0): """ Hidden function used to draw disks with PIL. Parameters ---------- center (``int``): Center of the disk in pixel space. radius (``int``): Radius of the disk in number of pixels. shape (``array-like``): Shape of the grid in number of pixels. value (``float``, optional): Value with which to fill the disk. Default is 1.0. Returns ------- disk (``numpy.ndarray``): Grid containing a drawing of the disk. """ top_left = (center[0] - radius, center[1] - radius) bottom_right = (center[0] + radius, center[1] + radius) image ='1', shape) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.ellipse([top_left, bottom_right], outline=1, fill=1) disk = np.reshape(np.array(list(image.getdata())), shape) * value return disk